Before registering to study, I thought of a lot of problems that would happen in this online learning platform. I was scared of wasting my money and time. Personally, I am not good at anything related to technology and also have poor communication, I thought it would be hard for me. However, I decided to pay tuition and give it a try. During the first day of my class, everything was not like what I thought. The study environment at Edniche English School is very different from that at other schools I know. For my level, there are two methods that I need to follow to learn. First, my teacher has a live class for me and my classmates, and second I have my own account on the school’s platform called I like using this platform so much because I can learn from recorded video lessons from teacher Tep Livina; the videos are about the four skills of English in each unit. There are several exercises and a test at the end of the unit. As for the live class or virtual class, my teacher also has a lot of responsibilities for all students. She finds solutions to students who have problems like joining the online class. She explains the lesson as listed in the online class. Nowadays, I am enjoying my studies and I think that my English language is better than the past because I can use some skills better and practice in my own way. Finally, I do not regret my registration here, and I will do my best to achieve my dream. Thanks, Edniche English School.
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The test fee is 10$. If you are taken the test online, you can pay via ABA or Wing.
The placement test can be taken at the school or online. Contact us on telegram with this phone number: 011 455 567 or search for Edniche Front Office (@ednicheinfo).
The course fee is to be paid by term or year. Payment has to be made to Edniche through bank transfer, ABA Bank Cambodia.
We also accept payment through Wing.
Contact us on telegram for payment instruction with this phone number: 011 455 567 or seach for Edniche Front Office (@ednicheinfo).
After payment, please complete the registration form. Click here.
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