
Chea ThearySnguon

My first and main purpose of choosing Edniche English School is to improve my only poor writing skills. After getting through the hard time, I got a fruitful result and scored 6 in IELTS test in early 2016. I would say my English proficiency is at the acceptable level enabling me to communicate well not only in writing but also reading, listening and speaking skills. I truly appreciate the quality Edniche promises to all its students including me.

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Within two years, from a girl who knows a little bit about English to the one who is qualified to use it in many formal events, I am overall ecstatic about my decision of entering EDNICHE English school. A great atmosphere, which comprises of educational facilities, skillful yet inspirational teachers, marvelously faithful classmates and well up-dated study system, I hold no regret as stepping in this school.

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What I like about Edniche is the fact that it is the best English school with all Cambodian teachers I can find in Cambodia. Providing a free IELTS test with a guaranteed band score is what impresses me the most. After spending 6 terms here, I could pursue an acceptable score that I have never expected. From term to term, I can obviously see my improvement in each skill. Without the courage given by my teachers and their hard works, I could not have reached this standard. Thanks to them, who consistently keep giving me very tough tasks and effective tips, I have enough confidence to take the IELTS test.

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Map Khunbopha

It took me about one week to get used to this new virtual class and adopt a new habit because I like other classmates of mine usually had face-to-face communication in class. But, when it came to see each other on screen, it was weird and boring at first, and some class activities were disturbed at first. However, the class now is more lively when everyone participates actively. Finally, we can overcome, learn, share, and enjoy together.

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Hon Mouykeang

In addition, It also has videos that teach me grammar, speaking skills, and writing skills, so I can study all lessons by watching the vídeos. If I have problems, I can ask my teacher. Finally, I can study English from my house or anywhere like I used to do in a physical classroom.

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Sim Saysovannlina

At first, I was not familiar with the school’s online learning platform. It was difficult and complex, and I wanted to suspend my studies for one term. However, after I tried to learn more about it and adapt myself to this new technology of the online learning platform, I changed my mind. I put my concentrated efforts to finish my homework, assignments, and other projects with my classmates.

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The test fee is 10$. If you are taken the test online, you can pay via ABA or Wing. 

The placement test can be taken at the school or online. Contact us on telegram with this phone number: 011 455 567 or search for Edniche Front Office (@ednicheinfo). 

The course fee is to be paid by term or year. Payment has to be made to Edniche through bank transfer, ABA Bank Cambodia. 

We also accept payment through Wing. 

Contact us on telegram for payment instruction with this phone number: 011 455 567 or seach for Edniche Front Office (@ednicheinfo). 

After payment, please complete the registration form. Click here


  • Apply to Blended and Virtual Learning enrollment
  • Terms and Conditions may apply
  • An additional 10% discount is offered for all annual Blended and Virtual Learning payments. 
  • Terms and conditions may apply. 

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